DRINKIT SHOWCASE. Customized drinkware showcase

DRINKIT is a special selection of customisable bottles, mugs and travel mugs, packed in a plasticized cardboard interior. Each product is presented with a printing technique, such as laser engraving or screen printing, in different sizes and materials. All of them are certified with BPA free and Food Safety for safer usage. The sample kit has a cord handle and magnets built into each of the tabs for easy opening. The set includes the following products and techniques: Panthony Mat (94045) - Sandblasting & Firing, Dakar (94699) - Screen Printing & Laser, Rozier (94648) - Screen Printing, Aniseed (93990) - Dye-Sublimation, Comander (93833) - Pad printing, Kenny (93804) - Firing, Show (94550) - Cylindrical uv, Naturel (94683) - Laser, Oasis (94064) - Screen Printing & Laser, Gobert (94764) - Screen Printing, Landscape (94601) - Cylindrical uv, Hygge (94678) - Laser, Astrada (94762) - Doming

Product code:
Serial number
Delivery in:
1 - 3 Days0
7 - 14 Days0
14 - 21 Days267
DRINKIT is a special selection of customisable bottles, mugs and travel mugs, packed in a plasticized cardboard interior. Each product is presented with a printing technique, such as laser engraving or screen printing, in different sizes and materials. All of them are certified with BPA free and Food Safety for safer usage. The sample kit has a cord handle and magnets built into each of the tabs for easy opening. The set includes the following products and techniques: Panthony Mat (94045) - Sandblasting & Firing, Dakar (94699) - Screen Printing & Laser, Rozier (94648) - Screen Printing, Aniseed (93990) - Dye-Sublimation, Comander (93833) - Pad priting, Kenny (93804) - Firing, Show (94550) - Cylindrical uv, Naturel (94683) - Laser, Oasis (94064) - Screen Printing & Laser, Gobert (94764) - Screen Printing, Landscape (94601) - Cylindrical uv, Hygge (94678) - Laser, Astrada (94762) - Doming 410 mm x 430 mm x 230 mm

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